Baby Travel Tips : 8 Things Will Help You in Travelling With Baby


When a baby came in your life, everything changes and traveling is one topic that will require some adjustments from your part as well. Find out more about baby travel tips!

When it’s about time you have your baby travel, it’s no longer simply buying airplane tickets, make a hotel reservation, and then freestyle it to the maximum. When you have a baby, there will be several additional things to consider so that the whole family can have a good time.

It’s understandable that new parents will worry about things like, “What items should our baby travel set contain?” or other reasonable questions that you shouldn’t feel scared or ashamed about.
There is a considerable amount of parents that have learned over the years what makes or breaks a baby travel vacation, and the good news is that they shared their findings just so other parents can get a heads-up about all the necessary info.

When you travel with the whole family, and it’s the first time you do so, it can get pretty overwhelming, and you are going to, for sure, overcome a few challenges whenever there are kids involved. That is why being prepared is mandatory, but as we all know, preparing means that you will already know what to expect and have fewer worries overall.
From having the right baby travel toys to the best baby first aid kit, we went around and gathered some of the most prolific pieces of advice that we could find. Stick around to find out the most effective things that will make your traveling experience a seamless one.

1. Be Ready For The Climate

International travel with baby

At first glance, you would say it’s easy-peasy to take warm clothes when traveling to a cold destination and t-shirts/shorts — to a hotter place. It is simple, yes, BUT you have to think about what will be necessary if you go from warm to a cold climate or vice versa.
You might find yourself in the situation of buying extraordinarily expensive clothing, as it would probably be an out-of-season period from where you live. Make sure that baby travel bags contain proper shoes and proper clothing.

2. Book the Best Airplane Tickets

One of the first things when planning how to travel with a baby should be buying the right plane tickets for you and your little peanut. If you plan to get a separate seat for the kid, then you will have to bring your travel baby car seat on the plane. It will be a good idea to check if the car seat is up to code, as not all the car seats are allowed aboard. Another good tip is to tell the airline, when you get to the airport and check-in, that you will be traveling with a baby and to check if it is possible to block the middle seat (in case you fly in a plane with aisle-middle-window seats). The majority of air carriers will probably accommodate you if the flight is not full, and there are no empty seats. 

3. Bring Plenty of Baby Food/Formula

As you might not know, baby food differs from country to country, and we believe that it’s safe to assume nobody wants to find themselves in an unfamiliar place with a baby and to run out of baby food or formula.
Make sure the travel baby bottles are always full with the food brand your kid likes, as they might reject other products that they don’t like.

4. Choose the Right Stroller for Baby Travel

Although there is a considerable amount of cheap travel systems for baby, make sure you get the right one for you and the little one. For example, if you plan a short trip of 2-3 days, then you might want to take a more lightweight model to be easily manageable.
If you plan a 2-3 weeks baby travel getaway, then you should consider a full-size stroller that is durable and allows the baby to take naps on the go.

5. Book the Hotel Room

After you have gone through all the best places to travel with a baby and finally picked one, you should start looking for suitable hotels. First of all, keep in mind that not every hotel has baby cribs ready. Give them a call before you pay for the accommodations and tell that you are on a baby travel mission. While you are on the, you could also ask for a corner room, as it will affect fewer people when your baby starts crying in the middle of the night. 

6. Get Your Baby Vaccinations

Baby travel is a serious matter, and you must research your destination well ahead of time. Always check for a travel advisory, and under any circumstances, do not leave the research to the last minute. Several vaccinations will require a couple of weeks between the shots.

7. Bring Baby Entertainment

There are tons of travel size baby products now available on the market, so this should not represent a problem for you. So, no matter you are traveling by train, boat, or plane, one thing is sure – your baby will get bored at some point! Besides the travel baby bottles, get his favorite baby travel toys when preparing the luggage.

Baby travel
Baby travel

If you want to spend your Valentine’s Day together in one of the restaurants in Washington DC with your spouse, you can leave your children in the kids’ play zone in a shopping center nearby. The responsible staff of the play zone will look after your kid and guarantee his safety, so you can enjoy a romantic dinner. At the same time, your kid will spend this time with great pleasure.

8. Pack Properly for the Baby Travel

Make sure you pack all the vital things first, then the optional ones. Don’t forget to buy more food than you need; it’s better than realizing half-way your vacation that you ran out of his favorite baby cereals or whatnot.


Baby travel can be a bit scary for the newbie parents, but fear not, because if you plan carefully and keep your cool during random situations, then you should be fine and have a good time with your family. What other tips and tricks do you use when traveling with your toddler? Please feel free to share your experiences and stories with the other parents that are reading this.