Hey, facing lots of troubles to do work from home with your little one? We know you are not getting outside much these days and with more rules and restrictions. Coronavirus has changed everyone’s routine and health officials are encouraging all to stay safe at home. But it doesn’t mean that normal life has stopped. Everything will be back soon, here something is very helpful to try while working from home with your kids.
How To Do Work From Home With Your Kids?
Working from home is the happiest thing but this time school closures happened and everyone is staying safe at home. This time, it is a little tough to handle the routines with kids. Parents are probably feeling confused or surprised to manage their kids and work from home responsibilities. But there are many multitasking products that can help you keep a friendly work atmosphere.
Working from home with your kids is the biggest challenge, face it, think positively and stay happy.
1. Create a Realistic Schedule.
Prepare a detailed schedule for your daily routine, write it down a day in advance. Sleep well and follow the notes the next day for a better work from home day.
2. Finish your Home daily routines
Even if it’s work from home, you have to finish other house related works first. This includes cooking, cleaning, washing, etc.. this will help you to do the office works without any disturbances. Pack the baby foods and your foods in different carriers for easy access.

3. Create a Dedicated Home Office Space.
However, most parents need a dedicated home office space to focus on work and avoid interruptions. If your baby is less than 3 years, find a place for them too in there. Fill up the walls with the motivational quotes and work encouraging arts. Select a place with an open window, the fresh air can stimulate your working mentality. Fill up your baby place with their interesting toys and other things. Place water and snacks nearby, this will help you to avoid unwanted intervals while working. If your baby more than 3 years give a small table and chair with their interesting toys and books. They will be very much interested to do the activities.

4. Give Some Tasks For Your Kids
This will be interesting, give some tasks for them while doing working from home with your kids. This will engage them to do something and they will not disturb you in your working time. Offer some gifts which can encourage them for a great involvement in the activities.

5. Show Your Commitment
This is very important, you make sure about your flexible timings for the group discussions and conference calls. Your family and jobs are two sides of a coin, both are important. So choosing flexible timing for your job while working from home is a very necessary thing.
6.Communicate with Baby
Don’t avoid them during your working time that would frustrate them a lot. They need your attention, your words, and your support, so try to talk with them while working. Just feel like they are your colleagues and share your feelings with your kids. If you can give around 20- 30 minutes of quality attention for your kids you are more likely to get two or 3 hours of quality working time after that.
Feed them at the correct time to take care of their good health. If you follow these, they will definitely obey you and will support you to do the work from home duties neatly.
Here added only a few tricks, but you may know more to handle these situations. Share your views with your valuable comments and ask your friends also to suggest some interesting tips to do the work from home with your kids.